Somewhat Daily Quote

“If you can make one person listen to you, you can make the world hear you.”

~Anthony Kong



Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Darkest Truths: Chapter Seven

Chapter 7
       Shooting Tara a warning glance, I rolled up the papers and stuffed them in the waistband of my jeans. I motioned her to get behind me and flung the door open, leaving me face to face with about five guards, but, unlike the day I was taken, this time I was ready.
           I put the first guard in a headlock and applied pressure to the pressure point in his neck. Nighty-night, meat head.

I took a few steps into the hall and was immediately rushed by two guards, one on each side. I waited until they were close enough, then I jumped up and did a scissors kick knocking them both to the ground, out of breath.
            Three down, two to go.

The next one ran at me, and I did a judo throw and flipped him right over my hip and sent him directly into the last guard.
            Not wasting a minute, I yanked Tara out from behind the door and shoved her in front of me as we hurtled down the halls and out the door as if the hounds of hell themselves were on our heels.

We raced to the gate where the others waited, with about ten guards only a few meters behind us. Once we reached them, James stood in front of all of us and squared himself up to the guards. He put his hands out in front of him and sent a burst of pure, raw, energy shooting towards them, and hitting the guards strait on.
            The victory was short lived, fifty more guards poured out of the doors and we were helpless; James was the only one that knew how to use his powers.

        "Go! Run! Get out of here! Find somewhere to hide, I'll hold them off as long as I can," James yelled.
            "But what about you," I screamed back.

"I'll find you, just go!" he commanded.
             I hesitated, but disappeared into the trees with the others.

         We had walked for a few hours until we found the cave and decided to take a rest while we waited for James.
            "You all go in and rest, I'll take first watch," I told the others, I needed time to think.
            Nick shot me a questioning look, but went inside with the others.

I climbed a tree and perched up in the branches, from there I could see any danger coming and was virtually unnoticeable. I leaned my back against the trunk and pulled the papers out from the waist band of my jeans.

I smoothed out the papers, took a deep breath, and began to read.

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