Somewhat Daily Quote

“If you can make one person listen to you, you can make the world hear you.”

~Anthony Kong



Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Darkest Truths: Chapter Two

Chapter 2

"Why'd you have to go and piss him off, there are tons of people but you picked Nick," Maya was going off on me about the whole Nick fiasco, and, frankly, I didn't care.

I shrugged, "I don't care who he is, Maya. He made me mad and I didn't like him to begin with,"

She threw up her hands, shook her head, and let out an exasperated sigh, "What are we going to do with you," she asked.

I started to answer but was cut off by the loud speaker, "Attention, I need the following students to report to the auditorium at this time...........," he read off about eight names, Jace, Maya, and I were among them.

"I guess you're going to walk with me to the auditorium to see what the fuss is about," I said with a grin.

Curious, we all linked arms and walked to the auditorium.

We sat down, and I was getting more nervous by the second. Big burly guards stood along the walls blocking the exits, and a man that I had never seen before stood at the podium. My stomach twisted; I had a very bad feeling about this.

"Hello kids," the strange man greeted, "My name's Geoffrey Keshens, and I work for West Inc. Now, I have some news that will take you by surprise," he paused for, what I think was, dramatic effect, "All of you are, in some way, supernatural," he paused again as our small crowd began murmuring.

"We are going to take you to our lab and observation unit so we can learn more about you and develop your abilities," He continued.

Oh, hell no. No way was this wackjob taking me to some lab to do tests on me. I had a feeling he was full it, he wasn't going to help us develop our 'abilities';  it sounded like we were one big science experiment to him.

"What if we don't want to go with you?" a familiar voice asked, sounding as suspicious as I felt.

Nick? He was here too?

Geoffrey Keshens’ face turned menacing, "Then we'll force you,"

A lot of us got up then, ready to bolt out the doors. Those big guards apparently weren't just for show- they immediately grabbed all of us, and no matter how hard we struggled be couldn't get free. I kicked and punched with all my might; they didn’t even flinch. The meat heads then drug us toward the exit.

Outside, there was a bus waiting, and they hauled us onto it.


Oh no. Please, God no.

"Katie?" I asked, horrified.

She nodded, tears streaming down her face. I sat next to her, rubbing her back, whispering reassurances in her ear; telling her it would be all right. Lies. I didn't know what would happen next.

I must have fallen asleep, I awoke to Jace shaking my shoulder; we were finally where ever the heck it was we were going. I looked out my window and my mood worsened.

We were outside a big stone wall that must have gone up about 20 feet and it was lined with spikes and barbed wire at the top. Inside them was a brick building that had bars on the windows. It looked like a nightmare come to life.

The gates opened and let us in.

Welcome to prison.

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