Somewhat Daily Quote

“If you can make one person listen to you, you can make the world hear you.”

~Anthony Kong



Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Darkest Truths: Chapter Three

Chapter 3

They locked me in a cell. A cell, for Pete's sake! But not before someone placed some kind of collar around my neck that I couldn’t get off. And worse, they took Katie from me. After they finally managed to drag us off the bus, we put up a huge fight, the guards ended up separating all of us. I don't know where Katie is. I don't know where Jace is. I don't know where Maya is. Heck, I don't even know where Nick is. Let alone who else is in this place.

I just sat there for a while, trying to think of a way out- no way am I giving up that easily. Eventually, a couple of guards came and unlocked the door, before I could knock one out, they pulled me out and pushed me down the hall.

We emerged into, what I'm going to call, the prison yard, and then the meat heads left me there. Quickly turning around, they darted inside before I could blink.


I was instantly crushed between Maya and Jace in a giant hug. I let out a sigh of relief; they were safe.

"Hey, guys. I'm happy to see you too. Where's Katie?" they hesitatated, a worried glance passing between them.

Ice griped my heart and worry trickled into my voice, "Where is she?" I choked,  my desperation rising.

"Over there." Maya pointed, "Nick's taking care of her; she's hurt,"

My stomach dropped all the way to my feet, and I ran to where Nick was kneeling next to my sisters small, unconscious, figure. He was ripping the bottom of his shirt to make bandages. One look and I was on the ground next to Katie, cradling her in my arms. Burns covered her arms, along with red welts; it looked like somebody had shocked her.

Rage boiled inside me as I looked at Nick, his face grim, "Who would do this to a child?"

He looked at me, green eyes full of sorrow, mouth set in a firm line, "Them."

Right then, I decided that Nick couldn't be all bad; he was actually wrapping Katie's wounds with the pieces of his shirt. Now, we’re on the same side; we both want out. I guess I’ll just have to put up with him.

"You bone heads! Let me go! I demand to see my lawyer," a voice shrieked.

Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse.

I turned just in time to see one of my least favorite people shoved through the door, J.J. Janice James was the school's queen bee, captain of the cheerleading team, and completely stuck-up.

"Hey! Don't touch the jacket, its designer! Wait! Don't leave me here, not with these freaks,"

Get the picture?

I was about to make a snide remark, when the door opened and a man in his mid-twenties stepped out.; his whole demeanor was screaming "Evil Scientist".

"I need Rayven to come with me for testing," he said, looking up from the clipboard he carried.

"No! Rayven don't go with them, they'll hurt you," Katie yelled, having finally regained consciousness.

Apparently, I didn't have a choice. The guy got two knuckle head guards to grab me; and then proceeded to carry/drag me down to the "testing room". There, the hooked me up to, what looked like, one of those electric chairs you see in horror films.

        "We will now test subject 12's endurance to electricity," a voice said.

Subject 12? What the heck? What does that mean-

Then, they shocked me.

And shocked me.

And shocked me some more.

If there is a Hell, this is it.

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